Apple Tree Care

Apple tree care
Good air circulation prevents apple tree pest and disease problems, because many pests and most fungal spores need dark, damp, and warm conditions to thrive. Correct annual pruning ensures that every branch of your tree has access to sunlight, so that the apples on each branch can properly ripen and colour.
Are apple trees hard to care for?
Apples trees are hearty trees that do not require much care when they are first planted, and they often thrive without much water once they become established. However, if you live in a dry area or experience a prolonged period of drought, we recommend 4 to 6 inches of water every couple of weeks.
What do you spray apple trees with?
For many home gardeners, a home orchard spray is an easy management option. These mixtures typically contain one or more insecticides, such as carbaryl, permethrin, or malathion, and one or more fungicides, typically captan or sulfur.
How do you take care of an apple tree in the fall?
1. Make sure that your tree is watered well into mid-October
- Rake fallen leaves from under fruit trees.
- Don't fertilize your trees. ...
- Pick fruit carefully. ...
- Separate flawed fruit from perfect fruit when storing. ...
- Wait until early spring for all major pruning. ...
- Control Insects.
What do apple trees need to thrive?
Apple trees need full sun, a good amount of space, loamy soil, and a neutral soil pH. A soil test can be obtained for a small fee through your local USDA cooperative extension office.
How do you winterize an apple tree?
Winterizing Tips Avoid fertilizing past midsummer to discourage new growth late in the season. Water deeply in the fall a few times before the first freeze, especially during a dry season. Prune while trees are dormant, in late winter or early spring.
What time of year do you spray apple trees?
When should I spray my apple trees? Answer: The main objective in spraying apple trees is to prevent insect damage to the fruit. The most important period to spray apple trees is from petal drop until just prior to harvest.
What month do you spray fruit trees?
Spraying fruit trees during the cool seasons, November through March, can help control pests that take up residence in the cracks and crevices, according to Ross Penhallegon, horticulturist with the Oregon State University Extension Service.
What can you spray on apple trees to keep bugs away?
We typically recommend fruit tree sprays with a combination of insecticide and disease-control ingredients; including, but not limited to: Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard; Bonide Fruit Tree Spray; Bonide Malathion Insect Control; Hi-Yield 55% Malathion; and Hi-Yield Lawn, Garden, Pet & Livestock Insect Control.
Do you cut back apple trees in the fall?
When to winter prune apples and pears. Pruning should be carried out when the tree is dormant, between leaf fall and bud burst (usually between November and early March).
When should you not prune apple trees?
Standard apple trees are mainly pruned in winter, between November and early March when the plant is dormant. Winter pruning stimulates root growth. Trained apple trees should be pruned in summer, with just a tidy up during winter if required. Mid- to late-August is ideal.
What to do with apple trees in October?
#1 Help your trees transit to the dormant phase If you feed them additional nutrients before winter, the trees will continue to grow in cold weather, leaving them vulnerable to frost and serious damage. Additionally, you should stop watering your fruit trees around the middle of October.
What's the best fertilizer for apple trees?
Fruit trees prefer an organic, high nitrogen fertilizer. Blood meal, soybean meal, composted chicken manure, cottonseed meal, and feather meal are all good, organic nitrogen sources.
What is the best time to fertilize apple trees?
All trees should be fertilized in spring, before June 1. Young apple trees (1-3 years) should grow 12” or more per year. If they are growing less than that, increase the fertilizer in subsequent years by 50%.
When should I feed my apple tree?
Early spring, before they burst their buds and start into growth, is the best time feed fruit trees and bushes. Producing a bountiful crop every year means that fruit trees can devour the nutrients available to them in the soil.
Do coffee grounds help apple trees?
Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper, all of which are essential to fruit trees. They also raise the pH level in the soil, which is good for the health of the plant. Most fruit trees require slightly acidic soil, so adding coffee grounds will help them thrive.
Should you cut the top off an apple tree?
New dwarf varieties of apples, called 'spur type,' don't need to be pruned to set up spurs. They do it themselves. Topping is bad for any tree, including fruit trees. The suckers that shoot back up from a topped fruit tree are not only ugly, but they produce leaves instead of fruit.
Do you need to cover apple trees in winter?
Just like with citrus, cover during the day so heat can build up before a nighttime freeze. How to protect apple trees from a late frost: Compared to other fruits, apple trees can actually handle the cold quite well. Still, you should shield them with a cover.
How many times a year do you fertilize apple trees?
Fruit trees should be fertilized at least twice a year – spring and fall. A mature fruit tree should receive one to two pounds of actual nitrogen per year plus equivalent amounts of phosphorus and potassium.
Can you spray apple trees with dish soap?
Fruit trees are no stranger to aphids but can easily be controlled using simple methods. Easily identified by their small size and large grouping, aphids can come in many different colors. On her homestead, Katie uses a simple water and dish soap spray for her apple tree. It can be applied every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.
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